
Gome of the Week
This is a great photo.

Assist on the pocket pool.












This Week's Link That's Probably Not That Great
Every Video Game - And you can play them to waste your time.



This Week's Movie You've Probably Never Seen
Arrested Development: Season One (2004)

Am I watching too many TV shows on DVD? You be the judge. But hey, no commercials. You can't beat that.

If you're not watching this show, you really should be.

The hype is real.













This Week's Record You're Probably Not Listening To
Handsome Boy Modeling School - White People (2004)

Aside from a severely ill-advised guest spot from a few of the dudes from Linkin Park, this is a pretty good follow up to their last effort.

Too many guest stars to mention all of them, but suffice it to say that Mike Patton's on here, so 'nuf said.








This Week's Hip New Slang Word or Phrase
groin-grabbingly good - Pretty damn good.

Origin - Homer.

Usage - "Dude, that yahtzee I was with last night had me sprung like a slinky."

"Dude, does that mean our bromance is over?"

"Dude, never. That's a lotta dimp."

"Dude, nice. That is groin-grabbingly good to hear."




This Week's Top Ten List
The Top Ten Video Games That Don't Exist:

10. Extreme Baby Seal Clubbing Challenge
09. Single Dragon
08. Smoke, Snort, Shoot, or Eat? Choose Keith Richard's Cocaine Adventure
07. Average Mario Bros.
06. Grand Theft Auto: Woodburn
05. Dave Navarro's Shirt Search
04. Fuzzy Zoeller's Racist Remarks Open
03. Crips + Bloods + Full Access to Ted Nugent's Ranch = Blood Feud '05
02. Groundscore Drug Comp at Burning Man
01. Richard Simmons Butt Plug Removal Party